
Dear Bhakthas
The DVD of Vishnusasranamavali is being circulated across all the temples of India, Canada and the United States. The contents of the DVD are as follows.

  • We first present the importance of Vishnu Sahasranamavali.
  • Then an abridged version of the Sahasranamam is presented.
  • Then we address the importance of different slokas of Vishnu Sahasranamavali and their special significances.
  • Then we inform about the different slokas of Vishnu Sahasranamavali based on the birth star.
  • Then we discuss about the different packages of Slokas for the benefit of Students, Senior citizens, Unemployed, Unmarried and Poor people.
Justification for the abridged version

It is customary to commence the Vishnu Sahasranamam with a devotional prayer to Lord Vishnu. Hence Shuklam Bharatharam Vishnum slokam is included in our audio. It is felt that most important part of the Sahasranamavali is the1000 names of Lord Vishnu.  These names can be heard in 15 minutes. Hence all these names have been included. Also, the first Sloka of Utharapeethika or Phalasruthi says that all 1000 names are given to Lord Vishnu completely. Hence that Slokam is included.  The Slokam Srirama Rama Ramethi is uttered by Lord Easwara and it means that Sri Rama nama is equivalent to saying 1000 names and hence this sloka is included for its power as well as due to regard for Lord Shiva. The final sholka is the end of Vishnu Sahasranamam and hence it is included so that VSN ends normally.  Also many people say that many slokas in Phalasruthi tell about the benefits to devotees if one chants or listens to 1000 names with devotion. Whether one repeats the Phalasruthi or not as long as one chants or listens 1000 names, the benefits are automatically accrued. However, for the benefit of those who wants to know the meaning of Phalasruthi in English, we have included the link which shows the Meaning of Phalasruthi in English in our Blogspot.  In abridged version, 108 times listening can be done in 32 hours instead of 54 hours.

The audio files and the significance of VSN can be downloaded "here":


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