VSN Info


Vishnu Sahasranamavali means thousand names of Lord Vishnu. Vishnu Sahasranamavali is written by sage Veda Vyasa in SANSKRIT language several thousand years ago. Vishnu Sahasranamavali has been revealed by Bhishma in Kurukshetra war during the course of the war several thousand years ago. Bhishma reveals Vishnu Sahasranamavali to Yudhistira or Dharma Raja for the benefit of mankind. More than 40 people have written commentaries to Vishnu Sahasranamavali. Adhi Shankaracharya wrote the 1st commentary of Vishnu Sahasranamavali in the 8th century. Parasara Bhattar, the Sishya of Sri Ramanuja Charya wrote commentary on VSN in the 12th century. In the 13th century, Sri Madhvacharya explained and revealed that each name in VSN have 100 meanings. Vishnu sahasranama stotram is organized into three sections.
  • Prologue / Poorva peethiga  - Which gives the background of the stotram that contains installation and meditation
  • Then the 1000 names of Lord Vishnu are written in a poetic format, in 108 stanzas. Each stanza has two lines and each line has two quarters.
  • Phalasruthi – It counts the benefits that can accrue by chanting the stotram.
The book Varahatantra, mentions that due to the curse of sage Parashurama, most of the mantras and stotras in Hindu religion have lost their power. However Bhagavath Geetha, Vishnu Sahasranamavali and Chandi Sapthashathi have no dhosham and will give instant results and benefits to devotees if one reads or listens to them with devotion.  http://www.vedicastrologer.org/homam/chandi.htm has a link to Chandi Sapthashathi.

According to the Vedas, God is neither accessible to words nor to mind. It is said that, one cannot comprehend the Paramatma with human mind alone. Each of the thousand names of VSN refers to one particular Guna or the quality of the Paramatma or the Lord Vishnu. There is a deep connection between the names and Lord Vishnu. These names invoke a sense of binding with the God. Each 1000 names of Lord Vishnu are representative of some of the better known qualities of Lord Vishnu. The key element of the act of chanting as their means to attain the Lords grace is the sincerity and purity of mind.

Many scholars have established that the chanting of Sri Vishnu Sahasranamavali creates sound vibrations. The Phonetic sound vibrations by chanting each name and the chain of names produce good results. It is believed that by reciting the entire sloka glorifying the Lord Vishnu, the chanter attains spiritual liberation. The Vishnu sahasranamavali summarizes what the Bhagavath Geetha, Upanishads, Puranas and other ancient Hindu texts say about the God.

It is your short cut to illumination (attaining the God). The 1000 names are the store houses of spiritual content. Their chanting helps to unite the nervous system and the mind. It is the Bhava, the spirit or devotion that matters while chanting the name of God with sincerity. It does not matter, whether one knows the meaning or pronunciation.

Adhi Shankaracharya informed in a book called Bhaja govindam, 1300 years ago that if one reads Vishnu sahasranamavali with devotion, one can get cured of many diseases besides getting power, wealth, happiness and well-being. Swamy Tapasyananda said that if one reads or listens to VSN with devotion every day, they will be removed of all sorrows and difficulties. Sage parashara said that by reading VSN one can be cured of planetary afflictions (Graha Peedas). From ancient times till 19th century, all the educated Hindus used to do Parayana of VSN every day. Due to the impact of western culture this custom has reduced a lot in present period. In North India, in certain areas there is a belief that if one does parayana, of VSN 5 times a day for 45 days all the difficulties will be removed. Before 1940, when medical centers were not developed well, lots of people used to do Parayana of VSN and are cured of diseases like Cholera and Typhoid. Firmness of mind, good memory, happiness of the self and freedom from anger, jealousy and greed are some of the benefits that accrue to one who recites the stotram with devotion and eagerness every day. The chanters of VSN claim that it brings unwavering clam of mind, complete freedom from stress and eternal knowledge. Prayers are a means to mental cleansing, when they are chanted with devotion. It is believed that chanting of VSN will lead to success in this life and hereafter. In Bhishmas judgement chanting the Lord Vishnu’s name with devotion, we ensure relief from sorrows. The person who recites is not the only one who benefits but also those who are listening to the chanting will be benefitted as well. Sage Veda Vyasa pointed out that by the power and command of Lord Vishnu, the sun, the moon, the stars the world and the oceans are controlled. The universe is under the sway of the Lord Vishnu.
